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yellow stained glass.jpg
blue streaky glass
glass confetti
red stained glass.jpg

Please join us the first Thursday of every month


 Meeting Address:

700 Highlander Blvd. Suite 205

Arlington  76015

@ Colton Strawser Consulting​

coarse fusing frit.jpg
purple texture.jpg
aqua textured glass.jpg
green mottle glass.jpg
dichroic mardi gras glass.jpg
bullseye streak glass.jpg
tlampwork rods.jpg
confetti streamers glass
teal clear wavy glass.jpg
iridized blue glass

The goal of this organization is to inspire excellence in glass art through venues such as monthly meetings, lectures, charity events, and art sales.  We hope to heighten public awareness in the beauty and variety of art glass that is available today: such as stained glass, fused glass, etched glass, lampworking, flameworking, glass blowing, jewelry, and mosaics.  Our organization was formed in early 2003 and continues to grow today with over 50 members. The organization is open to professionals as well as the casual glass artist.   Our plans are to continue involvement with the community as well as educate members on new techniques and ideas in the form of art glass.

purple streaky.jpg
dichroic rainbow glass
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